Role of IPR Cell

Drafting IPR policy & changes (if any) from time to time & obtain approval from competent authority.

Administering IPR policy of DTU.

Facilitate Faculty/ Student/ Project Staff/ Supporting Staff/ Visitors in all IPR application activites

Empanel Attorney for filing patent on behalf of DTU

Work on behalf of DTU to process & manage IP registrations

Regularly review IP cases (filed/ granted applications)

Coordinate with inventor(s) to proactively identify third parties for development & commercialization

Custody of all IPR related documents

To administer all matters related to IP transfer on the advice of IRD, DTU

Organization of IPR awareness at DTU

Activities leading to generation of IPR

Research taken up by faculty/ student/ project staff/ supporting staff/ visitor

Colloborative research undertaken with other institutions, Govt. Dept. & PSU’s and Pvt. companies

Research supported by companies and other private organizations through research projects or consultancy assignments